domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012



Hello people! I’m María, the analyst this week.
I´m going to reflect about the activities done during this week.

·                     What was the best part of the activities?

The best part of the activity was planning how was to be the staging. Also preparing de scene for record. And at the end realize that the effort was worth it when we saw the results.

·                     What was the worse of the activities?

The worst of the activity was find the information and write what we would say in our speech. In addition, when we had to repeat some scenes many times. 

·                     What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

The best moment of the week was without doubt the moment of the recording because of we had a good time laughing because Ainara had to be into her role and this was very funny for us.

·                     What was the worse?

The worst moment was when I had to create the whole video because of I had to search some programs to rotate the videos, put subtitles as fast as were possible, cut the videos... And I spent a lot of time doing that.

·                     What have you learnt?

We have known the dark side of textbooks, the importance of using videos, how to make a speech, we learned some programs to edit videos and also how to create video.

·                     What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

We have to keep as a group our desire to work hard, also keep it the good way that we complement us together and our good humor in difficult times.

·                     What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

We have to improve as a group not to overwhelm us somtimes and also divide some tasks better.

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