Well, today we had the oral exam ... We are not very unhappy but can always be improved ... sometimes nerves don't let you show everything that you know.
But to be our first oral exam, I repeat, we are not too unhappy with the results.
We know that we worked hard, we have studied and we have learnt lot of things and also we had a good time doing this course that without doubts we think that we will never forget this experience.
We want to thanks to Linda for lend us a bit of her knowledge and also for lend us a bit of her imagination developing funny activities and for make us have good moments .
Furthermore, thanks Linda for being at 100 percent in the classroom, motivating to us when we have had a poker face or when we have been almost asleep. We heartily thank your devotion and dedication to us in all this semester.
I´m going to
reflect about the activities done during this week.
was the best part of the activities?
best part of the activity was playing the game. It was so exciting
because we can down lines if we taught a head of a snake. And we want to win the prize so all groups were so nervous.
was the worse of the activities?
The worst of
the activity was find the information and write the cards. It was so
difficult because we don't have very clear if the question was good
or not. Also we think to put yes /no questions but we can't because
the question must be with open answer.
Moreover there were some
topics that were so difficult and we don't understand many things but
we were investigating and more or less understand them.
was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
best moment of the week was playing the game. It was so exciting and
we were so nervous because we want to win the prize. And also Linda
give as a prize for doing the best cards so we were so happy :)
was the worse?
The worst
moment was when we felt in a box twice and we lost the prize. We had
study a lot and we have given the best of us. But as says Linda This
is life!
have you learnt?
We have known
a bit of our regulation, and information about the topics such as
management, school time and grouping, other structures and
variations, financing issues, differences between public and private
schools, assessment and certification,teaching methods and laws and
do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We have to
keep as a group our desire to work hard, also keep it the good way
that we complement us together and our good humour in difficult
do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
We have to try to work more efficiently,
trying not to spend time.
-In the case that you need a grant for assistance, for commuting to school, urban transport, board, school material and fee exemption. Also your family is low income and you haven't got an educational certificate. In addition, you have good marks. Which grant category will you get?
-Named the financing differences between private and public schools.
-Where has it source the total budget allocated to education in Spain?
-What do the Public educational institutions have to do communicate the organisation and use of their resources?
-How many types of subsidy arragements exist and what are their names?
-Who is in change of preparing the budget?
-A private school is free when…?
-If your daughter studied in a centro concertado, where are the budget taken out for this education?
-If a private school receives public funds only in some of their expenses, what type of educational agreements does it receive?
-Why LODE and LOE establish a system of subsidies with public funds to finance private schools?
-The nearest school of Ana’s house is 5km away and she has morning and afternoon classes. What is the minimum that State has to pay her?
-What is the only level in education which you have to pay for it?
-Which three bodies have to participate in the elaboration of the annual budget in a public school?
-What are the duties of the “educational agreement”?
-Public spending is landmarked for public education for centros concertados and to finance scholler _______ and _________
-The total budget allocated to education in Spain has its source in public funds, regional and local authorities and…
-Which are the caracteristics that have to have a school to receive a general subsidy?
-What is the region where there isn’t any grant?
-Your son is 7 years old (his birthday was in March and now it is April) In which educational stage is he? In which cyle is it? In which school year is he?
-In a primary class in general, in between what intervals would we find the number of pupils?
-Who determines and why teaching time in Spanish schools?
-Who is the response of setting the number of hours in each cycle and territory?
-We have a primary class which has been established to have 23 students maximum. Why?
-What percentage of a timetable in a school represents the curriculum that the Automous Community of Murcia has to elaborate?
-How are allocated the school holidays?
-You are the head master of a school and you want to organize next tear weekly school timetable. Once it has been approved school management team, what will he/she has to do?
-You want to meet your son’s foreign language music and mathematics teacher, how many teachers will you meet?
-If you were a student who turned 10 in January, what year would you be in at school? How many years and cycles have you passed and how many have you got left to complete?
-In what way is the primary school timetable distributed both daily and weekly?
-Which is the main criteria to form class groups?
-What do educational authorities of autonomous communities have to do with weekly timetables?
-Which is the maximum number of pupil per group established by law for the Entire State?
-Choose the correct statement:
A: the school year 2009/2010 comprises a minimum of 175 days distributed between the first for night of September and late June B: the school year 2009/2010 comprises a maximum of 175 days distributed between the first for night of September and late June C: the school year 2009/2010 comprises a minimum of 175 days distributed between the late September and the first fortnight of June
-The school class groups are normally formed arround age groups but, children can be grouped by another two criteria, which?
-Who approved the school weekly timetable?
-If you were a primary school teacher how many hours have you have to spend teaching?
The way that we thought to do our speech was, first we took a ladder and a clothesline and we put a cloth over this as this seems like a stand.
Then took another cloth and we held with the closet doors and we set it like a background. And finally we put sheets with messages in the background as a subliminal message.
So we got something like that:
Ladies and
gentlman welcome to the colour chameleon ladies company!
I´m going to talk you about the use of textbooks at schools.
Nowadays is absurd using texbooks in
the classroomss since we are in the new technologies age. Textbooks have a lot of prblems.
Children are
given those books as they were a “Bible” and doing that, we transmit them the
feeling that they must believe everything that they read but, insead of that,
it´s essential for them to learn to search information and discriminate it.
They must learn to contrast sources as well.
Besides that, textbooks involve a
great economic cost, the editorials have earnt 900 million of euros and produce
a big waste of paper for the world contributing to the felling trees.
During my
academic life I have seen a lot of times teachers criticizing textbooks because
of the lack of contents, the mistakes in their pages or the exessive amount of
topics that they have. However, I have
realized that teachers haven´t taken into account those problems in textbooks
and they have decided using them. So, textbooks have been considerated, for
some years, as a necessary and essential tool for teachers and editorials have
oberved that, so textbooks have become on a business.
Then, since
publishing companies decide the content of textbooks, making a curricular
concretion, a certain pedagogical theory and certain didactics; they show that
they are only interested on their business that influence on government
learning politics, so teachers don´t choose the contents that transmit to their
In that
case we can ask ourselves: who are editorials to decide learning of our pupils?
, aren´t we able to do it after studing our degree ? so what have served all
the hours that we have spent studing primary edcation for ?, if we are docile
to textbooks , our job consists of read statement exercises and correct them
with the textbooks key , unfortunately there are teachers who think by this way
and they think about books as tools that can make them save them time, effort
and hard working.
So this
idea of textbooks implies a lack of professionalism of teachers. One of the
solutions that we propose in order to change this situation is the possibility
that teachers could decide which are the correct contents to transmit to their
conflict caused by textbooks is that those “bibles” contain some ideas that are
transmited to children in order to turn them on a prototype of perfect pupil
and the rest of children must be like this perfect pupil. This fact doesn´t
take into account the student diversity in the classroom.
are able to determine a certain way of understand the teaching and learning
process. Then, new generations of teachers aren´t able to conceive a way of
teaching without textbooks and they conceive them as a necessity.
conclusion, and after reflecting about this issue i can assert: Yes, I imagine
education without textbooks! And how alternative tool I suggest leaving
textbooks and using ICT to prepare their classes in order to use their
imagination and their experience to manage that children have curiosity and learning wishes.
y señores, bienvenidos a la compañía “Camaleones de colores”
Voy a hablaros sobre el uso de los libros de texto en las escuelas.
Hoy en
día es absurdo usar libros de texto en las aulas en la era de la tecnología.
Los libros de texto tienen muchos problemas. Se les dan a los niños como si en
esos libros fueran una ‘Biblia’ y haciendo esto, les estamos
transmitiendo la sensación de que deben de creer todo lo que ellos leen, pero
además de esto es imprescindible para ellos que aprendan a buscar la
información y a discriminarla. Deben de aprender a contrastar fuentes.
de esto, los libros de texto suponen un gran gasto económico importante, las
editoriales han ganado 900 millones de euros, y producen un gran gasto
económico de papel para el mundo contribuyendo así con la tala de árboles.
A lo
largo de mi vida estudiantil he visto muchas veces profesores criticando los
libros de texto por la falta de contenidos, los errores en sus hojas o por el
excesivo temario que tienen. Sin embargo, me he dado cuenta de que los
profesores no tienen en cuenta estos problemas en los libros de texto y deciden
Por lo que los libros de texto son considerados desde hace muchos años
como una herramienta necesaria e imprescindible para los profesores y las
editoriales han observado esto por lo que los libros de texto se han convertido
en un negocio.
las editoriales deciden el contenido de los libros, creando unas concreciones
curriculares, una determinada teoría pedagógica y didácticas determinadas.
Ellos están solamente interesados en su negocio que influye en las políticas
educativas de los gobiernos, por lo que los profesores no eligen los contenidos
que trasmiten a sus alumnos.
En este
caso podemos preguntarnos a nosotros mismos: ¿Quiénes son las editoriales para
decidir la enseñanza de nuestros alumnos? ¿no somos nosotros capaces de hacerlo
después de estudiar nuestra carrera? Y entonces ¿para qué han servido todas las
horas que nosotros hemos gastado estudiando educación primaria?.
Si nosotros
somos dóciles a los libros de texto, nuestro trabajo consiste entonces en leer
el enunciado de los ejercicios y corregirlos con el libro de soluciones.
Desafortunadamente hay profesores que piensan de esta manera y piensan sobre
los libros de texto como una herramienta que les ahorra a ellos tiempo,
esfuerzo y trabajo.
Por lo
que esta idea de los libros de texto supone la falta de profesionalidad de los
profesores. Una de las soluciones que
nosotras proponemos para cambiar esta situación es la posibilidad de que los
maestros puedan decidir cuales son los contenidos correctos para transmitir a
sus alumnos.
conflicto causado por los libros de texto
es que estas “biblias” contienen muchas ideas las cuales son
transmitidas a los niños con el fin de convertirlos en un prototipo de alumno
ideal y el resto de los niños debe ser como este alumno perfecto. Este hecho no
tiene en cuenta la diversidad de los alumnos en el aula.
libros de texto son capaces de determinar una única manera de entender el
proceso enseñanza y aprendizaje. Entonces las nuevas generaciones de profesores
no son capaces de concebir una manera de enseñanza sin libros de texto y ellos
los conciben como una necesidad.
conclusión y tras reflexionar sobre este tema, puedo afirmar:
Sí, ¡imagino una
educación sin libro de texto!
Y como herramienta alternativa sugiero dejar los
libros de texto a un lado y usar las TIC para preparar sus clases para así usar
vuestra imaginación y vuestra experiencia para conseguir que los niños tengan
deseos de la curiosidad y el aprendizaje
I´m going to reflect about the activities done during
this week.
·What was the best
part of the activities?
The best part of the activity was planning how was to
be the staging. Also preparing de scene for record. And at the end realize that
the effort was worth it when we saw the results.
·What was the worse
of the activities?
The worst of the activity was find the information and
write what we would say in our speech. In addition, when we had to repeat some
scenes many times.
·What was the best
moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
The best moment of the week was without doubt the
moment of the recording because of we had a good time laughing because Ainara
had to be into her role and this was very funny for us.
·What was the worse?
The worst moment was when I had to create the whole
video because of I had to search some programs to rotate the videos, put
subtitles as fast as were possible, cut the videos... And I spent a lot of time
doing that.
·What have you learnt?
We have known the dark side of textbooks, the
importance of using videos, how to make a speech, we learned some programs to
edit videos and also how to create video.
·What do you need to
conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We have to keep as a group our desire to work hard,
also keep it the good way that we complement us together and our good humor in
difficult times.
·What do you need to
improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
We have to improve as a group
not to overwhelm us somtimes and also divide some tasks better.
This have been our task this week, now I´m going to show you how we have worked during this week!
The main task of this week has been stopmotion, which consists of taking a lot of photographies to make a video. On Wednesday, we spent all the day preparing it.
It has taken us a lot of hard work since we needed to be hidden under our laptop in order not to show our faces or our fingers moving the dinosaurs and the other components of the scenery.
As well, we had to take a lot of different photos to know which was the best because it isn´t easy to coordinate the movement of the animals and our voices.
Thanks to our great effort we could create a wonderful video with a nice story and we are very proud of doig it!