lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012


Hi there! I'm María, the facilitator.
Tomorrow we are going to be all the day in the university because we have to prepare 'Pechakucha exposition', so today we have seen this videos for extend the information that Linda has given us today about how to make a good presentation.

Also today after Linda's class we celebrated the Marina's birhday, who is our 'ex-camaleona' so... 
Happy birthday again Marina! :-)

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Media for teaching and curriculum implementation

Hi! I'm Ainara,  the journalist this week.

This week we have learned the importance and necessity of media for teaching (how we can introduce mass media at educational process) and curriculum implementation. 

     On Monday, we paid attention of the skillful class of our professor Linda, who explained to us why we use, media for teaching: to develop abilities of the pupils and teachers, to cause and facilitate the learning. Media for teaching help to the students to obtain more data and understanding in a certain context. The objective to use the average is, to integrate the curriculum and to improve the learning of the students, influencing in its context so that it is favorable for the learning. 

Two parts in means are distinguished: Physical- Instrumental (hardware) and Formative- Cognitive.  The first part is formed by the material parts of media, for example the screen, the keyboard, the mouse of a computer… and the second part is formed by information structure code, and it is symbolic.  
Later we saw some definitions of curriculum for example curriculum is what happen in the classroom, is everything influences in education process: rules centers, laws ; TPACK perspective, when we want to use the media in the curriculum is important to relate technological knowledge, content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge.  

At the end of class we saw the three elements of the curriculum: People & Institutions, Design and Media- technologies.  But Linda in class has explained more: People & Institution, which are influenced by five very important factors: Evolutionary variables (chronological and mental ages), Psychological variables (the mass media can be adapted to the incapacities of the students), cultural variables (change in different places, are languages, believes…), Social- economic situation (how much money you have?) and Educational system variables (Centers dispersion, ratio, teachers training, infrastructures…).

    On friday, we continued to curriculum elements explanation with the Curriculum design which the most important is the planning: assessment, objectives, contents, and didactic strategies, programs…. We must be coherent with these elements. And the last curriculum elements: media-technologies which you only use if the environment and design are clear.  We must make sure that the following principles are fulfilled to use media technologies:  efficiency, affordances, flexibility, availability, motivation, code and cognitive strategies.

Thus we have finished the explanation of the curriculum elements and Linda it has communicated to us the task that we have to do the next week. 

sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

Second week - Roles

Hi people! I'm María, this week I'm going to be the facilitator...  so here I'm going to put the roles of this week:
  • Elena: analist
  • Ainara: journalist
  • Noelia: * star + tracker
  • María: * star + facilitator


On Friday, we had a meeting to decide which role we are going to be this week, furthermore we have concreted that on tuesday we are going to enjoy a long and good time planning and preparing the exposition for this week.

The work for this week will be a 'Pechakucha exposition format' about the topic: 'We Create a Parliament'.

'Pechakucha'  is a presentation methodology in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (approx. 6' 40" in total), usually seen in a multiple-speaker event, created by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham.

So the reason because we are two stars in this week is this, we are not very happy with the topic that we are going to do (because we were the seventh to choose the topic) but we are sure that we will do it great, we like the challenges, we are fighters.

martes, 21 de febrero de 2012



  • What was the best part of the activities?
We think that the best part of the activity (TPACK speed-dating format) was when we enjoy the expositions of the groups; and in the activity (Illustrating words) we think the best part was when we were drawing the concepts, it was so funny! We have enjoyed it a lot! :-)

  • What was the worse of the activities? 
The worse part of the activities was when we had to introduce the explanation in a model of certain scheme. We took time to choose which was most suitable.

  • What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
We think the majority of them because we worked all together, enjoying the activities, and we get on very well, so we think that we are a great group.

  • What was the worse?
When we had to do changes because Marina was going to go to the Spanish Group; Also when we didn't understand very well what are the function of each role, we were so confused... And when we have to choose a ‘mind mapping’... we got crazy!

  •  What have you learnt?
We learnt what TPACK is and their importance in the education and how to use 'mind mapping' ; also what abstract are some concepts to be explained and the importance of take care about how to be explained; in addition we learnt how to use a 'blogger', understanding the great tool that it is.

  •  What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
From our point of view, we have to conserve our desire to work hard, also the good comunication of our group and the good mood.

  • What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
From our point of view, we have to improve in the expositions, we have to get calm and confident with our work and in ourselves. Also improve even more our positive things, always can be improved even more with work and effort.

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

"Speed-Dating" TPACK

Hi there! I'm the journalist, María :-)
On Friday, 17th of february, we had the exposition in 'speed-dating format' about TPACK, that was explained by our star Elena.

She did it great, we think that the best of our star is that  her explanation was clear, fluent and dinamic. Also she has used a good presentation that attracted public attention. On the other hand, we think that the things that our star (and us) have to improve in the next exposition is that we have to get calm and confident, but it's normal because it was her first exposition...

The rest of the group, while Elena was explaning our poster, we have been listening, seeing and learning about the poster of the other groups and we reached 
the conclusion of some things:

+ Positive points: We have learned a good way to explain an exposition because we think that on the one hand, the 'speed-dating format' allows to the star trains in their exposition because the star have to repeat their explanation to other groups, so the star improve their explanation and their understanding.
On the other hand, the audience hear the same topic in diferent ways, so we think that improve their understanding and also they learn better.
The positive things that we saw in the other groups are that some of the poster was so original, we really like some of them! Other positive things that we saw is some of the explanations were so clear, easy to  understand, with a good 'teacher voice' and fluent.

- Negative points: Well, on the one hand we thing that this is our first exposition but it wasn't bad at all, but we think that our group and the other ones have to improve some things like: 

       1. We don't have to use too much text.
       2. We don't have to read a summary, we have to understand it 
          and then we  have to be able to explain the topic in the best
          way that we can.
       3. We have to speak loud
       4. We don't have to be shy or insecure
       5. We have to be clear and fluent.
       6. We have to mix the explanation with examples to get a good
       7. We have to use in a good way the 'mind mapping'
       8. We have to take care of the appearance of our poster.
       9. We have to use a good presentation.
     10. We have to understand our topic very 

· Easier points: For our star the easier point of her explanation was when she had the last explanation with our group. And for our group the easier point of our work in the poster was when we have to add the text to our 'mind mapping'

· Difficult points: For our star the difficult point of her explanation was the first one and the explanation with Linda, because it was so difficult for her to get calm and confident. And the difficult points about our the work of our poster was when we had to decide what kind of 'mind mapping' was better to do.

And this is our fantastic group 
with our fantastic poster :-)

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012


Tomorrow we will have the exposition, that Elena is going to explain our conceptual map, good luck!!!!!:-) 
You will do it great! 

Videos about TPACK

We have seen some videos giving a simple explanation about TPCK,  that they given us a better understanding about this topic:

Our fantastic work

Hello! I'm the facilitator, Noelia ! :)

This is our work :) is BEAUTIFUL!!

Is about the relation between

tecnology, contents and pedagogy.

An the relation between them is called TPCK 

(tecnological pedagogical content knowledge)

We decided to use 'TreeShape'

I'm the tracker Elena

And we have done the work looking in this document.
  • "Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge", PUNYA MISHRA, MATTHEW J. KOEHLER, Michigan State University. (this is in SAKAI)
  • "the back of the napking", Dan Roam. 

And we have looked information on this web pages:

And finally... we have finished!


We have met today to work on 'TPACK' and to decide the new roles. We have been having lunch in the Economic Faculty and then we stayed in the library of this faculty thinking about the work, and doing it.

We have some problems because we don't know which exploratree have to use ...but finally we choose this one: 'TreeShape'

Then we changed the roles, because of we are one less in the group, and finally we decide this roles for this week:

  • María: journalist
  • Elena:* she explains the work + tracker
  • Ainara: analist
  • Noelia: facilitator
  • Marina: * she explains the work

Changes in the group

Hi! I'm the facilitator, Noelia!

Today we are one less in our group because Marina has gone to the group 1 of spanish.

Now we have to divide the roles.
We have met on wednesday for doing the work and in that day we will divide the roles :)

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Ilustrating Words

Hello, I'm the journalist, María! :-)
In our class today (10th february 2012) we have done a practise where we have to draw some words.
Our group is called "las camaleonas" and we have drawn the words: tactics, learning, concrete, and dismissively.
The object of this practise is knowing to draw some words that for children could be a bit difficult for undestanding. we have drawn this words like you coulds see in this pictures.

Later other group have to give us their draws and we have to guess what word represent the draw.
The group that give us their draws is called "alpino" and we have guess their words.
This words are: dismissively, teaching, deep, blatant and belligerent.
And this are the pictures:

Now we are going to answer 4 questions about this work:

1_ Have you had any problem ilustrating the concepts?
2_ How it is easier to know what is the concept, with a drawing?Or with a picture?
3_ Messages in ilustrations help to clarify the concept?
4_ Why do you think the other group have had problems to guess the Word?

1_Have you had any problem illustrating the concepts?

It was complicated to express these concepts with drawings because it is difficult to find a drawing that expresses perfectly a concept.
In addition there were concepts that were a bit ambiguous and were leading to mistakes. There were concepts that were a bit difficult to draw for being a bit abstract.
We had problems to illustrate concepts such ace 'makes concrete' or 'dismissively' because illustrating these concepts we showed that the illustration was ambiguous.

2_ How it is easier to know what is the concept, with a drawing? Or with a picture?

I think it's much easier to learn the concept through an image, because a picture is generally less precise to be drawn by hand, while an image to be captured by a camera is far more accurate and can give us more understanding of the concept you want to guess.
However, if you draw you can focus on what you want to teach, but if you're not good at drawing this can be a problem.

3_ Messages in illustrations help to clarify the concept?

Yes, because they are drawn in order to facilitate understanding of the concept. If the concept is not clear, we use the image or picture to understand. I think it’s the best way to clarify many concepts.

4_ Why do you think the other group have had problems to guess the Word?

The main reason why the other group may have had difficulties to guess has been the ambiguity and difficulty of some of the concepts that we had to draw. Because a picture to reference to multiple words.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012


Hello we are the group "camaleones de colores" 
(1º primary group 8) 

And the components of the group are:

  • Maria Guirao Egea
  • Elena Garcés de los Fayos Baño
  • Ainara Moreno Martinez
  • Marina Lledó Álvarez
  • Noelia Calatayud Rollizo

The roles of the group in this week are:

  • María:  journalist
  • Elena: tracker
  • Ainara:  analist  
  • Marina: * she explains the work
  • Noelia:  facilitator